Lynne Stephenson Raiser

Profile Updated: July 10, 2023
Currently Residing In: ATLANTIC BEACH, FL USA
Spouse/Partner's Name: Victor N. Raiser
Occupation: UNF Professor Emerita (retired)
Children: Geoffrey Stephenson Raiser 1961
Darby Claire Raiser Delane 1966
Class Year 1956
Yes! Attending Reunion
Marital Status?



What a a great idea! I was on the first Alidupan staff and we had so much fun deciding on the dragon as our mascot and other traditions. I put the flag up and took it down every day my senior year. The job was willed to me by Bill Goodyear and the next year I willed it to his brother, Charles. My favorite activity was Thespians and we had prize winning plays under Gloria Kline's direction.
I had a 50 year career as an educator teaching at every level including graduate school. I spent most of my career as a teacher educator at the University of North Florida. I got my bachelor's and doctorate degree at the University of Florida and my master's at the University of Houston. I taught in Houston, Ohio, Indiana, Minneapolis, and Jacksonville.

Memories from Your days at DuPont:

My sister, Dottie Stephenson Fant Class of 1958 passed away December 27, 2022. She had ovarian cancer. Thank you for posting it on our website.

Lynne's Latest Interactions

Jul 10, 2023 at 5:34 PM
Lynne Stephenson Raiser added a comment on her Profile.
Jul 10, 2023 at 5:26 PM
Jul 10, 2023 at 5:21 PM

Thank you for all your years of service, Wesley. You’ve made our dragons proud.